Please note that we are currently CLOSED on Wednesdays. If you'd like to visit any other time, we'd love to see you and ask that you make an appointment so we can ensure someone is here for you.
Jardin Prive - Be You, Just You£7.85
Jardin Prive - Lili au Jardin£7.85
Jardin Prive - Patchwork aux Chouettes£7.85
(Patchwork Owls)
Jardin Prive - Quaker de Bretagne£7.85
Jardin Prive - Village Quaker£7.85
Jardin Prive - Ciseaux et Bobines£7.00
Stitch count: 143 x 86
Jardin Prive - Melancolie£7.00
Stitch count: 158 x 83
Jardin Prive - Joyeux Noel£7.00
Jardin Prive - Patchwork aux Chiens£7.85
Jardin Prive - Le Petit Chaperon Rouge£7.85
(Little Red Riding Hood)
Jardin Prive - Message de Noel£7.85
Jardin Prive - Quaker aux Clefs£4.40
(Quaker Keys)
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